I am the student of Thirunavaya Moose. Moose does not normally read pulse. But, at times, when there is any doubt, he does so pulse reading. And, he prescribes Kashaya. The next time when the patient comes, I have personally experienced and seen that the patient is cured. But, how it is done, or, to impart the knowledge or the science in it...they did not have the heart to it. Anyway, what Dr. Shaji has said right now, can be done only through "tapas". It is not easy. Now, I tried to read the pulse of Jayakrishnan. Initiallly, I did not get any...but, then i found it. And, I felt that I got the pulse of pitha...because, I am getting more in pitha. There is need to learn more about this now...and to test it in our patients. One positive thing that we need to see here is that, as Shaji said, if we seek to check whether Shaji is an expert in this field, we will be the losers. Shaji does not have anything to lose. It is like going to an astrologer and asking him about his credentials. What will happen is that he will get his money and we will lose our time. My feeling is that, we should implement the experiences of Shaji and his teaching in practice. This is a very big experience for me and no amount of thanks to Shaji will be enough. It was really a big experience. Actually, I feel sad time has been wasted till now. I should have learnt about this long back. Actually, when I was invited, I had second thoughts about it. In fact, I even discouraged the program. Only because of the pressure did I accept to attend. Now, I can assure you that it would have been a huge loss if I had not come here today. This will be a big advantage to medical science, because, lacs are being spent on diagnostic tools. So, if diagnosis can be done through pulse reading, it would be a huge asset to Ayurveda. This is a crude science and to handle it is difficult. Concentration and a strong belief is essential. Quite often, there is a chance of mis-diagnosis. Shaji, I think from 1992, for 15 long years has...with great trouble, learnt and become an expert in this science. And, I am very thankful to him for having shared his knowledge with us. This is all I have to say. Thank you.